Volume & Issue: Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2020 
Inhibition of Steel Acid Corrosion by Newly Synthesized Organic Compound

Pages 79-86

W. I. Eldougdoug; Shereen A. Abdelkader; N. Fouad; Basma Khedr; A. Y. El-Etre

Cyclic voltammetry of redox reaction of lead acetate in presence of oxalic acid

Pages 87-92

Esam A. Gomaa; Mostafa A. Diab; Adel Z. El- Sonbat; Manal A. Osman

Phosphate Froth Flotation Using Sesame Oil as a Collector

Pages 106-123

Saeda A. Abouel-Enein; Hady S. Gado; Ashraf A. El-Shennawy; Ahmed M. Masoud; Ahmed A. Bekair

Cyclic voltammetry of the oxidation of potassium permanganate using succinic acid

Pages 124-131

Esam A. Gomma; Mostafa A. Diab; Adel Z. El- Sonbati; Mohamed R. Soud

Spectrophotometric determination of Tartrazine in soft drink powder and pharmaceutical dosage form

Pages 132-139

Ayman A. Ali; Abeer M.E. Hassan; M.A. Hussien; Alaa S. Amin; Ahmed M. Abdelsalam