Biosynthesis, extraction, purification of postbiotic from probiotic isolate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Botany and Microbiology Dept., Faculty of Science, Banha University, Egypt.

2 Botany and Microbiology Dept., Faculty of Science (Boys), Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.

3 Botany and Microbiology Dept., Faculty of Science, Banha University, Egypt


The most effective microbes for society are probiotics. Exopolysaccharide (EPS) from probiotics, which has a range of biological activities, has enormous promise in the areas of health, chemical material production, and cosmetics. Examine the process of producing, extracting, and purifying postbiotic (probiotic EPS) after identifying probiotic isolates that are capable of producing EPS. Using MRS, 32 bacterial isolates were examined. Nine isolates lacked EPS production in the liquid MRS, while 23 isolates demonstrated EPS production. The broth culture's ultimate pH changed from 6.5 to 4.0–5.0. Two volumes of 100% ethanol were used to precipitate the EPS. Deionized water was used to dissolve the EPS, which was then dialyzed against deionized water and freeze-dried. The purification phase involves the removal of proteins using 10% (w/v) trichloroacetic acid at a final pH of 6.8, the purified freeze-dried was measured at 470 mg/L. The culture measured the dry weight of the cells and the dry weight of the EPS before calculating the yield coefficient, or YP/X (0.39 g / g). Our findings indicate that the isolates are a promising source of probiotics that could be used in the future to produce probiotic products.
