Vegetation analysis of Wadi Kaam at northwest Libya

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Science, Al-Asmarya University, Zliten, Libya.

2 Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, 31527, Tanta, Egypt


The present study deals with the vegetation analysis of Wadi Kaam in northwest Libya (130 km east of Tripoli). Sixty
stands were selected to represent the variations in 20 locations in 4 major habitats types in this area. The present species
were recorded in each stand, and their cover was estimated. In the study area, 152 species belonging to 117 genera and 38
families were recorded. Asteraceae was the most prominent family, represented by 30 species and 18 genera. Two
endemic species were recorded (Herniaria ericifolia C.C.Towns. and Poa vaginata Pamp. Libya). Therophytes were the
most represented (47%) of total recorded species, while parasites were the least. Six trees were recorded in the valley
(Pistacia Atlantica Desf., Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh, Eucalyptus leucoxylon F.Muell., Pinus halepensis Mall.,
Pinus canariensis Sweet ex Sprengel and Ziziphus lotus Lam.). Bisexuals were the most designated sex type (141 species
= 93% of total recorded species). The maximum frequency of the flowered species was in April (81%), while the minimum
was in August (11%). Mediterranean elements were the most represented (35.5 % of the total species), followed by
Sahara-Arabian (22.3%). Four vegetation groups were generated after applying TWINSPAN classification technique on
the recorded species. Group 1 was dominated by Peganum harmala L. and Ziziphus lotus Lam, Group 2 Stipa
tenacissima L, Group 3 Lobularia Libya (Viv.) Webb & Berthel. and Limoniastrum monopetalum (L.) Boiss. While
Group 4 by Asparagus horridus L. and Limoniastrum monopetalous (L.) Boiss. 
