Characterization of Activated Carbon Synthesized from Coffee Hulls

Document Type : Original Article


Environmental Sciences Laboratory Nangui Abrogoua University, Abidjan, Ivory Cost


dustrial effluents [1]. However, this adsorbent is expensive for developing countries where it is imported [2]. As a
result, research is shifting towards local natural materials as alternatives to CAC because of their comparable efficiency,
high availability and low cost [3]. This study aims to produce activated carbons with interesting structural and chemical
characteristics from biomass. Thus, four coals of coffee shells three of which were activated by orthophosphoric acid
(H3PO4) at different concentrations and a crude were developed. Characterization of these coals was done by different
methods (Boehm, MEB-EDS, Methylene Blue adsorption and First bisector). The results showed that 60% activated
charcoal of H3PO4 has an acidic character, a production yield of 43.72%, a carbon content of 69.67%, a developed
porous structure and a surface area of 705 m2
. g-1
. The results indicate the high quality of the obtained active carbon. In
perspective, the characterization by the use of the BET method (Brunauer-Emmett and Teller) for the determination of
the specific surface and the porosity (pore volume) will be investigated and the capacity of this CA to treat the textiles
effluents evaluated. 
