Genetic Variability and association of some quantitative characters and protein fingerprinting in some canola genotypes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Genetic Resources Dept., Field Crops Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt Oil Crops Res. Dept., Field Crop Res.Inst. Agaric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt

2 Faculty of Home Economic. Al-Azhar University, Tanta.


The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters and genetic advance from the selection of yield and its
components, which can provide basic information for the explanation of valuable lines and check variety combinations of
canola and protein fingerprinting. Fifteen lines and check variety were planted in 2015/ 2016 and 2016 / 2017, at
Bahteem Agricultural, Research Station. The selection was practiced in the first season on the basis of 50% flowering,
physiological maturity, seed yield/plant and seed oil content. A total of 150 selected plants were evaluated in a replicated
trial in 2016/ 2017 season at Bahteem Res. Station. Genetic variability, heritability, Phenotypic and genotypic coefficient
of variation, and genetic advance from selection were estimated. Significant differences were observed among check
variety serw-4 selected plants in both seasons for most studied traits. Broad sense heritability estimates in the second
season ranged from 1.00 to 81.00%. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance from selection was recorded for
seed yield/plot, seed yield/plant, first silique height, and physiological maturity. Hence selection for these traits is
expected to be effective. There was a positive and highly significant genotypic correlation coefficient between seed
yield/plot and seed oil percentage, indicating the possibility of increasing oil content with high seed yield/plot.
The electrophoresis profile of seed storage protein for fifteen lines and check variety. The Molecular weight 188
polypeptide bands of diver’s molecular weight ranging from 12 to 155 KD. Based on molecular weight the banding
pattern revealed specific regions (12 to 35 KD) comprised 8 bands.
