Enhanced the Catalytic activity of reduction of 4-nitrophenol on Ag/RGO nanocomposites

Document Type : Original Article


1 aBenha University, Faculty of Science, Chemistry Departement, Benha, Egypt bChemistry Department, College of Science, Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud lslamic University, Riyadh, KSA

2 Benha University, Faculty of Science, Chemistry Departement, Benha, Egypt

3 Duravit, Elmosheer Ahmed Ismail St., Sheraton Heliopolis, Piece No.9, Square 1160, Egypt


A simple deposition method was used to synthesize Ag@Ag2O/RGO nanocomposites with different loads of Ag (0.4%
and 4%) and at different annealing temperatures (250oC and 400oC). All samples were characterized with various
techniques such as XRD, TEM-SAED, N2 sorptiometry, Raman, FTIR, UV-Vis diffuse reflectance and photoluminescence
spectroscopy. The catalytic performances of the samples towards reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) were tested under dark
conditions. The XRD and TEM results revealed the well dispersion of Ag and Ag2O moieties on RGO with crystallite size
in the range of 17-34 nm. The nanocomposite Ag@Ag2O/RGO annealed at 400oC exhibited the highest reduction rate
constant for 4-NP reduction (0.01 s-1), under the dark condition. The effect of presence of additives such as benzoquinone,
triethanolamine, isopropyl alcohol and Na2CO3 on the reduction activity as well as its kinetics together with the reaction
mechanism was well discussed.
