Inhibition of Acid Aluminum Corrosion in Presence of Aqueous Extract of Domiana

Document Type : Original Article


1 Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, Faculty of engineering, Benha University, Benha, Egypt

2 Faculty of engineering, Benha University, Benha, Egypt


The inhibitive effects of the aqueous extract of Domiana
(turnera Aphrodisiacal) for The Corrosion of aluminum in 1
M HCL Solution was investigated using weight loss
measurements, galvanostatic, potentiodynamic anodic
polarization techniques and elecrochemical impedance
spectroscopy technique.
The results drawn from these techniques indicate that the
inhibition efficiency increase with the concentration of
inhibitors increase but decrease with temperature.
Inhibition was explained in term of the adsorption of the
extract on the aluminum surface. The adsorption process is
fitting Langmuir adsorption isotherm. It was found that
extract protect aluminum surface from pitting attack in
chloride containing solution by shifting the pitting
corrosion potential to more noble direction.
